Modern Angular in Google Workspace Add-ons

Spencer Easton
6 min readFeb 25, 2021


Modern Angular in Google Workspace Add-ons

Who is this for?
I intend this post for established Add-on developers who want to use Angular in Google Workspace editor Add-ons and Google
Apps Script webapps. This does not attempt to show how to create Add-ons or Angular apps, but the tooling and build process
to use Angular apps in Add-ons. I am also assuming familiarity with installing and using CLI tools in your development
The code for this post can be found at:
High level overview of integration of Angular apps in Google Apps Script

There are two major components to integrating Angular and Apps Script. First is the Apps Script project that will
bootstrap the Angular app and hold the necessary triggers to integrate with the Add-on framework. The second a
static hosting service will serve the static assets created in the Angular build process. In this example I use Firebase
hosting. A Gulp build process will build and stage the Angular App, create the necessary bootstapping code needed to launch the Angular app in your Add-on, and will deploy the Angular App, Apps Script project as well as any other static assets needed.

You may wish to use the Apps Script project as your Add-on's back end or use other services such as Firebase
Functions or App Engine. With this method you are not bound to a particular back end for your Add-on. If you wish you
can use the bare minimum of triggers in the App Script project and develop your back end the same way you would for any
other Angular application.
Tools needed (I recommend using Node Version Manager (If you choose firebase hosting for static hosting)

Project Setup
1) Launch the GCP Cloud Console:
Create a new GCP cloud project. This will be used by Apps Script and for static hosting. Remember to setup your OAuth Consent
2) Launch the Firebase console:
Initialize your GCP project as a firebase project in the firebase console. Open up hosting and initialize hosting for your firebase project.
3) On your local development environment Create a root project folder. This will hold both your Angular application, and the App Script server code.4) Initialize firebase for the project using the firebase cli tool.
Select the project you created in step 1 and select hosting. For your public directory select `deploy/public`. Select the default value of No for overwrite url.

Edit your firebase.json and add the following CORS options to your hosting options:
"headers": [ {
"source": "**/*.*",
"headers": [ {
"key": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin",
"value": "*"
} ]}]

Note: This is highly permissive and any origin can access these static assets. If you want you can later
restrict this to your apps published origin i.e. `https://n-****`

5) Create an Apps Script Project via clasp cli or from In the apps script IDE change the project to the
one created in step 1.
6) Add the properties
`"rootDir": "deploy/build"`
`"scriptId": "{ScriptId from step5}"
to the file clasp.json in your root project folder. Create it if it is not there. Create a `.claspignore` in your project root. It can be empty.
7) Make a folder called `server`. Browse to the folder. Run `clasp pull`. This folder will hold all your App Script
source files.
8) Add the example `server/server.js` code from this the repo into your App Script server folder. Rename `code.js` if you wish. It is a very basic example using the bare minimum needed to bootstrap a spreadsheet add-on.9) Back in project root create a folder called `client`. Browse to client folder. Create a new Angular app using `ng new "YourAppName"`
Add angular routing and Choose css tooling of choice when prompted by the cli. Don't forget to npm install after it is done generating the project

10) Some files Angular files need to be updated.
Add the following snippet to the HEAD node
const hash = '<?= route?>';
window.location.hash = hash;

The snippet above allows for sidebars to be able to launch Apps Script dialog boxes. Apps Script dialog boxes are
external to the sidebar. Angular dialog boxes are nested in the sidebar or Apps Script dialog boxes in which they
are created.
App Script cannot use URL routing but can use hash routing. Add `useHash: true` to the RouterModule config object.
i.e. ` imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes, {useHash: true})],`

11) Add a component via Angular CLI. This will the component you Add-on launches when it is opened.
i.e. `ng generate component Sidebar`
12) Link it in your app router
`const routes: Routes = [
{ path: '**', component: SidebarComponent },

13) Modify src/app/app.component.html
Modify your app.component.html make sure to include `<router-outlet></router-outlet>`. Any html in this component is
universal to the Add-on. Your selected route component is rendered where `<router-outlet>` tag is located.

14) Modify src/environments/(environment.ts |
Add the property `assetBase` : ''.
Add all static files such as images to the `src/assets` folder. You can add subfolders as you seem fit
such as `src/assets/images` or `src/assets/videos`. In your components that require these static assets
import the environment object into the .ts file and reference it in the html template such as `<img [src]="env.assetBase + 'images/logo.png'" >`

Build and deploy
Modify the gulpfile.js
Copy the gulpfile.js from the repo to your project root.Modify the following globals in gulpfile.js
BASE_URL: Is the URL to the firebase host address. Used for static assets. i.e. ``; This is found in the Firebase console hosting settings.
PROJECT_NAME: Is the name you gave the client when you used `ng new youProjectName` LOCAL_TOKEN: `yourCICDToken` Generate using `firebase login:ci`
Optional: If this value is empty it will use the account of the user currently authenticated to firebase CLI.

Run `gulp build`.
This will do a production build of the Angular application and stage all the appropriate client and server files into a
folder named `deploy` situated in the root of the project. Files in the `deploy/build` folder are for Apps Script.
Files in the `deploy/public` folder are for firebase hosting.

Run `gulp deploy`
If firebase-tools and clasp are configured correctly the files will be deployed to firebase hosting and Apps Script.
If you have firebase errors on deploy:
1) Check you authenticated to firebase-tools via `firebase login` or you have a valid the CI token in gulpfile.js.
2) Make sure .firebaserc lists the correct project as the default project.
3) Make sure the account used has access to the firebase project.

If you have clasp errors on deploy:
1) Ensure you have enabled api access at
2) Check you have authenticated to clasp via `clasp login`.
3) Make sure .clasp.json is pointing to the correct Apps Script project.
4) Make sure the authenticated user has access to the project.
A note on Add-on dialogs
To open a dialog in Apps Script it needs to be listed as a route in your app-routing.module.ts. To open the dialog call

Development and Testing
There are two ways to do development. The first is to use `ng serve` to get a live update dev environment. You WILL need
to wrap any `` with an appropriate alternate call to your back end, the `production` flag in the
environment file works fine for this. No Workspace Editor UI functions such as creating menu items or open editor dialog boxes will work.
When happy you can build and deploy.
The second is to skip the live environment and do a build/deploy at each step and watch all code changes in the `Test as Add-on` environment. Since build/deploy times are quite fast this is a valid option. Personally I will rough out my UI in Angular live dev environment mode and switch to a build/deploy model while working on
business logic. Either way you will be using `Test as Add-on`.
You also have the ability to do automated testing as the Angular CLI includes tests for each component it generates.
Check out the Angular docs to learn more about that.
Lazy loading Angular modules does not work in the Add-on environment. At least I have not been able to get it to work. This is because the lazy loader looks to the Add-ons hosted domain instead of the static hosting domain. I'm 99% sure there is a configuration for this in either the service worker or in tsconfig.json, but I don't know what it is.
This write-up is rough. It might not be clear. It is intended for devs that already are comfortable with tooling and some familiarity with the Apps Script environment. Angular is a bit of a learning curve, but is very much worth learning if you want to develop complex applications. If you feel a step can be or needs to be clarified open an issue on the repo.



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